Darcy Rayner
fullstack engineer in NYC
👋 hello
Nice to meet you. I'm Darcy. I make things.
What kind of things? How about kick-ass kids
games, mind blowing mobile apps, and scalable serverless backends.
I'm a software engineer at Datadog, New York, where I work on the serverless team. Before that, I was a lead engineer at Two Bulls running the frontend chapter, and have worked on dozens of projects with clients like Disney, PBS, LIFX, Verizon and the Linux Foundation.
Having been fortunate enough to work in and lead some high performance agile teams, I firmly believe good engineering isn't just about technical ability, it's about empathy, product focus, and collaboration.
🤺 skills
- Angular
- Typescript
- Unity
- C#
- iOS
- Swift
- Go
- Serverless
- Leadership